Sunday, October 23, 2011

24 going on 84

As many of you know I just had my 24th birthday. By most people's standards I'm still a youngin' but at times I question my youth. It's not really aches and pains or pops and creaks. It's something more important. You know how they say an elephant never forgets? My friends, I'm no longer an elephant! My memory is quite terrible. The problem is I really have no excuse. Most people have some reason for their "senior moments". Like having kids, a stressful job, or getting on in years. I have none of the above so what the heck is going on? You may think I'm joking. Well, let me give you an example. This story requires a little set up to understand so bear with me.
When we moved into our house in August 2010, I wanted Scott to change the lock on our front door. You know, just in case someone out there had a key. We painted the front door that day and were waiting for it to dry. It was getting late and we realized we had not bought the doorknob/lock for our door. We could not go to bed without one because I didn’t want any creepers creeping into my house! Scott went to Home Depot and grabbed one. It was the type where you can turn the door knob on the inside whether it’s locked or not. You can probably see where this is going. Anyway, we’ve lived with it like this for a year and never had an issue. My first “Sarah moment” as I will call it, happened at the beginning of August.  I grabbed my purse, my lunch, the Netflix to mail, and out the door I go. Notice anything missing? My keys. I’m now locked out of my house and my car. Scott is in class. My parents are 40 minutes away.  I call my newly made friend Sarah Pupillo (Our husbands are in medical school together) and she graciously took me to work. (I’m sure she thought I was crazy!) This was my first offense so I thought no big deal. False. The very next week I did the exact same thing! I walked right out the door without my keys. As of right now I’m having another “Sarah Moment” and I can’t remember how I even got to work but I got there late. Fast forward two weeks. We have an audit a work that day, which is a big deal. Guess who walks out the door that morning without her keys? Yes, you guessed it. ME!!!! My poor parents had to come get me because no one close by could help me. (If I ever move away from them I’m in big trouble.)  I got to work an hour and half late. It was so embarrassing on so many levels. I’m the office idiot. This is not the last time.  I did it again on a Saturday when I was meeting my mom and my sisters. I had to walk down the road and across Main Street to Books-A- Million and loitered around for an hour. My question is who forgets to get their keys 4 times in the span of a month? I think I’m the youngest person ever with Alzheimer’s! We have resolved the issue so I can’t lock myself now but that in itself is embarrassing, that we had to make “special” arrangements for my brain. On the bright side it makes for good stories!

Time to make me feel better! Have you had any “Sarah Moments” recently?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Steppin Out With My Baby

Almost two Saturdays ago Scott and I went to a Gala held by Virginia Osteopathic Medical Association in celebration of VCOM's 10 year anniversary. It was held at Hotel Roanoke. We got to get all dressed up and PAR-TAY! It was good times with good friends. We didn't take too many pictures but the few we did are below.

Also a brief life update. Scott is almost done with his first block of medical school! Wooohooooo! Can you believe it has been 10 weeks already? We certainly can't. He has two more finals this week and block one is in the basket!

Our fabulous friends and neighbors Steve and Sarah Pupillo!

After Dinner

This is Scott's artistic shot of the night- everyone walking to their cars!