Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Card 2013


Our year in review: 

Scott started his third year of medical school and Sarah helped over 40 couples get married as an event coordinator at the War Memorial Chapel. It was an EVENTful year! Get it? Ahem. Moving on. We added a new (feline) addition to the family. Her name is Rory and she is Mia's best friend. We also took a mini vacation to Asheville, NC this fall. It was gorgeous and we are currently devising a plan on how to live at the Biltmore Estate. (We know we aren't Vanderbilts, but that's a minor detail!)

What does 2014 hold? Some big decisions. We will be making those over the next few months regarding Scott's choice of specialty and where we'd like to pursue the next chapter of this journey. We would appreciate your thoughts & prayers. We definitely couldn't do this without all of our friends & family's love and support. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What being married to a medical student has taught me....

It's okay to be alone

I can't say I'm the best at this. Growing up with 2 sisters, sharing a bedroom, being homschooled, taking dance classes, I was never really alone. That carried over into college, and into our first year of marriage. Then medical school started and it all changed. That was a tough transition. I also graduated college that spring so I  had to adjust to a new job, all my friends leaving but me staying in the area, and of course, Scott being gone. When I got off from work I sat on the couch by myself, stuffing my face with oreos, watching every crime TV show I could find. Yeah, that was a tough year.

Somewhere along the way though, I picked myself up and started being industrious around the house. (I'm sure this had to do with my mother's gentle nudging).  I cooked, I crafted, I sewed, I read. I came to realize that being alone wasn't that bad. I had always relied on another person to fill my time and it was rather freeing not having to rely on someone else. I still have bouts from time to time of self pity and comparing my life to others, but I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to cultivate myself on my own.

How to say crazy medical terminology

Hepatosplenomegaly. Nuff said.

It's the little things

There were so many moments I used to take for granted but I savor now. I love to sit on the couch with Scott and just watch TV (dare I say, football!), to take a walk in our neighborhood, hold hands at dinner, the list could go on and on. Our time was/is so limited that we choose to savor the little things instead of dwelling on the "big things" we can't do right now, like actually spending the entire evening together or taking weekend trips.


Scott's schedule can change at the drop of a hat. He can get off early from the clinic one day and then be hours late the next. It makes planning difficult. If you know me, you'll know I don't deal with my plans changing well. I get all moody and pouty. Being in a medical marriage has taught me to check my attitude... most of the time. I've learned that my attitude isn't going to change the outcome except make myself miserable.

Sacrificial Love

Marriage is supposed to be a life long lesson on sacrificial love but sometimes I believe we took an accelerated course the past few years. I've put things on hold, at times I've taken the back seat to school, I've worked jobs I've hated to pay the bills, and more. It was/is hard. These years are about us but with a concentration on Scott. It bothers him and he wishes things were different. I have days where I get wrapped up in ME, totally selfish and self serving. Forgetting what Scott is doing is for us and our future. He is sacrificing BIG TIME to go to school for us. I try to bring those things to the forefront of my mind but what really helps is when I think of Jesus. When I compare my measly sacrifices to His and it flips my perspective upside down. I realize I am blessed to have the opportunity daily to emulate Jesus' sacrificial love in my marriage.

Support is Crucial  

Neither one of us could have gotten this far without the support of family and friends. Y'all are amazing! We are incredibly blessed to have family close by but I also got involved early on with a ministry for medical wives. It has blessed me beyond measure. If you take anything out of this post, please take the steps to become involved in a supportive community!

We are a team, it's not just his success it's ours  

This summer, while making small talk to a friend of a friend, they asked Scott what he did and he said "I'm in medical school" (He most likely didn't come right out and say it. He is very humble and unassuming.) They asked how much longer he had left, and I chimed in with " We only have two years left, thank goodness!" The person had a surprised look on their face and said "Oh, your in medical school too?". I laughed and cleared that up really quick. I realized a little while later that my answer was pretty indicative of our mentality though. It's not just Scott, it's us. This journey is ours, even though I'm not in the classroom or clinic with him. We see this as a team effort and we couldn't do it without each other.

I don't think any of these things are learned just through being in a medical marriage. Everyone will have challenges that can teach them the same thing. This is just my reflections of the last few years. I hope it's encouraging for someone, medical marriage or not. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

to my littlest sister


Today marks the day YOU graced the world with your presence. I can't say I remember too much about July 31st 1992, but what I do remember is getting a mermaid Barbie among other toys. I guess Mama and Daddy were trying to bribe Katie and I to like you. Unfortunately, it didn't work on me.

Up until you were born it was just me and Katie. It's hard to believe now but Katie was very quite, shy, and did pretty much whatever I wanted. I was THE boss (Sorry, Katie. It's made you a stronger person!). Then you show up, with your blonde hair and chubby cheeks. Let's just say you stole the spotlight that I thought was trained on me. All the attention suddenly was on you, which is totally understandable... now. Unfortunately, my childish brain could not see reason. I took on a personal vendetta against you.You did nothing to provoke it but be adorable. For the next 18 (probably more like 19) years I was MEAN to you. Seriously, I was terrible. I was critical, I pulled pranks on you, the list goes on and on. Through it all you were always so sweet. You took everything I gave and more with grace. That alone should have tipped me off that you were something special. In all likelihood, it did and fueled my jealousy more.

All I can say now is that I'm glad with age comes wisdom. Our relationship has been on the mend for several years now.  I'm sorry it wasn't sooner. I missed out on so many years of sisterly friendship because of my selfish jealousy. What's even more incredible is that you were open to my friendship after years of abuse. No, anger or resentment, you just took me as a friend without question. Again, it's a testament of what special person you are. I want you to know that I regret those years but I'm so thankful that God mended and changed my heart towards you. I treasure you, sweet sister.

You are a beautiful, kind, faithful, forgiving, spontaneous, Jesus loving woman, and that just scraps the surface. You are so many things I am not and I love you for it. Thank you for all you have taught me through the years. Thanks for loving me. Oh, and have a Happy Birthday.

Love you, littlest sister.

P.S. Congrats on being legal! I owe you a drink when you get back.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

a new addition {part 2}

Here is Lucas Allen's debut! He is a beautiful boy and big to boot! The nurse doing all of his measurements kinda had this mime/charades thing going on. She would make gestures like her arms were tired from holding him or that he was going to be a big strong guy! It was pretty funny. It was such a joyous occasion and so cool that, not only were both Lucas' grandmothers there, but his great-grandmother was too. I think this makes 9 great-grands for my grandparents!

Congratulations to Becca and Brian!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

a new addition {part 1}

My mom, sister, and I went down to Georgia this past weekend. We didn't go for any old reason though. We made the 8 hour trek to help celebrate a new life coming into the world! My sweet cousin, Becca, and her husband, Brian, had their second little boy on Friday, May 24th. As with anything in my family, waiting for Lucas Allen to make his debut was a family affair. Below are a few pics I took in the waiting room. 

I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of my cousin! Whenever the day comes for me to have a little one, I highly doubt I'll be close enough in location for my (extended) family to be sitting in the waiting room, or have all my aunts, cousins, & grandmother descend on my hospital room with hugs, kisses, and advice. I know Becca enjoyed every minute of it and will treasure those memories.

Next post, baby Lucas. Wait until you see him! My cousin and her husband make some beautiful babies!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Mia!

One year ago today we brought the cutest little kitten home!  Scott wasn't keen on the idea, but let me tell you, Mia has won him over (even if he won't admit it!). She has been such a blessing for me. Mia keeps me company when Scott is studying, which is a lot! Happy Birthday to my little furbaby!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
― Anatole France

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mia Monday

I've decided, in an effort to post on this blog more often, I'm instituting Mia Mondays. What are Mia Mondays, you might ask? It' the day I post a picture of my cat. Yes, I am THAT person. Get over it.

This photo is from the first week we got her. I don't think she had a name at this point. I was indecisive. We called her Little Bit, Miss Priss, Little One... you get the picture. I wish she was still this little. sigh. But don't let that sweet facade fool you. She was and still is a little spitfire.  

Everyone will have to forgive me for these self indulgent posts.

Next up... Scott Saturdays anyone?

Monday, March 11, 2013

i'll cross that bridge

Let me tell you a story...

There once was a guy who really liked this girl. The girl didn't like the guy. Well, not like THAT. She thought he was a nice guy and liked being friends with him, but that was it. They would hang out from time to time, always with one of the girl's sisters in tow (much to the guy's chagrin). One of those times, they were all hanging out in her living room. During one of their conversations, they got onto the subject of weddings (much to the girl's chagrin). While they were talking they guy asked the girl, "What kind of wedding do you want?" The girl not wanting to give the guy any ideas, blurts out,  "I'LL cross that bridge when I get there!" Emphasis on the "I". The guy got the picture loud and clear. Not for the first time did he leave the house with his dreams crushed.

Would you like to know the end of the story? Well, the girl ate her words.

They crossed that bridge together. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

gettin' thrifty with it

Goodwill, oh, Goodwill! Why must I always leave thee empty handed?

Ok, let me just go ahead and put this out there.  It's not because I'm snobby or have high standards, it's because there is literally nothing worth taking home at my local thrift stores.  I read all these blogs and magazines and they talk about all their AWESOME finds at thrift stores. All I ever find are ugly Christmas mugs and faded silk floral arrangements. I have better luck with clothes, it's the home goods section that stinks. I know that the nature of thrift stores is hit and miss but I seem to be missing consistently. Then I went to Goodwill yesterday on a whim and my luck changed. Let's just say I did not leave empty handed! Check out my spoils....

 Sorry for the blurry-ness but if you made out that the sticker says $0.95 you would be absolutely correct!!!! Seriously a complete Apples to Apples came for under a buck! Scott and I love this game but never wanted to spend $20+ on it. 

 Then I found these beauties. I think I got all 3 for under $12 bucks. They were marked down at Goodwill. I didn't know they marked stuff down!

I think I want to hang them somewhere. Kind of along the lines of this: 

   Last but not least, I found these milk glass vases. I think they were $2 a piece. 

I was thinking of using them like this:

 or this:

Do you have good or bad luck at thrift stores?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

two more years

It's official. We will be staying in the Blacksburg area another two years! What, you thought that was a given? Well, it wasn't. I assumed it was until somewhat recently. Anyway, because of the school Scott goes to and the area it is located in, all of the third year rotations are not located in the same area. (For those of you who do not know, the first two years of medical school are in the classroom and the last two years are in a clinical setting. During the third and fourth year they rotate through different disciplines of medicine. Thus the name Rotations.)  Scott's school has seven regions you can go to for third year rotations ( and multiple sites within those regions). You are not randomly assigned (which was a relief!) but you do have to rank each region 1-7 and then rank each site within the regions. The school tries to match you to your first region and first site but that doesn't always work out. So that is where the uncertainty came in. Also, for an entire weekend Scott was seriously considering putting Roanoke as his first choice. I tried to be supportive but my heart wasn't in it. The idea of moving 45 minutes up the road for a year wasn't my idea of fun and then there was the issue of my job. I have nothing against Roanoke mind you, it's just everything for us is in Blacksburg and surrounding areas at the moment. My philosophy is, since we will have to uproot in two years anyway let's not do it sooner than we have to. Scott eventually decided to put the Blacksburg area as his first choice but if he hadn't, I would have moved to Roanoke. Really, I would have. I'm just glad our feelings ended up aligning! Long story short, we found out a little over a week ago that we were assigned to our first choice and it looks like most of Scott's classmates were assigned to their first choice as well. I think it's amazing that the school was able to make the vast majority happy. I don't know how they did it! I also realized, after all was said and done, how weird it is to think the next year of our life was in another person's hands.

This is a taste of the future. We will find out where we are going for residency in a similar fashion, except residency is not just a year. It's three to five! I prefer not to think about that now. We will cross that bridge when we get there!

For all you prayer warriors out there, pray for Scott over the next several months. He is taking step one of boards this summer. Scott likes to say, "studying for this isn't a sprint, it is a marathon." Please pray that he has strength and perseverance. And that I have understanding and patience through this process. 

That's it for the life update. I'll leave you with this oldie but goodie.

October 4, 2007 | The night Scott asked me to be his "girlfriend" after one of my dance performances

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ice Ice Baby

I have officially checked off one thing from my 30 before 30 list! Of course, I haven't listed 30 things yet but that is besides the point! A couple of weeks ago Scott decided we were going on a date. At first, he said it would be a surprise. I don't like surprises. Well, that's not completely true. I like surprises when I don't know there is going to be a surprise. Like a birthday party or gift. I don't particularly like the type of surprise where you know you are going somewhere or doing something but the what is a surprise. It gives me anxiety and, more importantly, I don't know what to wear. Anyway, I digress. Scott told me our date destination when I reasoned with him (probably because he knew I wouldn't dress appropriately without knowing!) and off we went to Roanoke Civic Center to ice skate. Some might think my background with dance would help me on the ice. False. I was a hot mess. There were kids flying by me!  BUT I never fell once (I can't say the same for the kids whizzing by me)! That was my only goal for the outing and I am quite pleased with myself for fulfilling it. Scott took some embarrassing footage of me attempting to skate, which unfortunately for you I will not be sharing. I know, I know, you really wanted a good laugh today. Sorry! To lessen the blow, I have included some pictures from our ice skating extravaganza. Check them out!!!

 Scott insists he was looking at the camera. Uh, no! 

 Oh the eagerness of children...

 Don't be fooled, I was faking it for the camera.

Ice skates are surprisingly uncomfortable but they make for cute photo ops.

In case you were wondering, Scott was a natural. Typical.