Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas | 2012

All our presents are wrapped and stowed safely under the tree. Two pecan pies are cooling on the counter and Scott is playing dodgeball with his friends. Yup, it is definitely Christmas Eve.

Here's a little peek around our house this Christmas. 

 I used boughs from our Christmas tree all around our house to decorate. Scott was concerned that a spider was hiding in the ones above our bed though.

Fake tree in our bedroom which is Mia's favorite toy. Thankfully, I put non breakable ornaments on the tree. She achieved her goal and knocked it over yesterday.


 Christmas balls and wine corks for fillers. 

Clothesline Christmas card display in the kitchen

Told you they were wrapped!

My mom gives us ornaments each year. This is mine.

 And this is Scott's! (shocker, right?)

 Mia loves Christmas too! 

Merry Christmas! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

crafty friday finds

Last night, the bible study I’m a part of for medical school wives had an ornament making party. We had a lot of fun! I think some people found out they really are crafty, even though they say they aren’t! At least that’s what I think from seeing their finished product. Anyway, making ornaments made me get into a creative mood. I’ve been scavenging the internet (pinterest, blogs, etc) for more Christmas craft goodness. Here are some fun ones I found and thought I’d share with you. Hey, maybe this will turn into a weekly thing, you never know...

I made this crock pot apple cider recipe last night. so good!

Now go out there and get crafty!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

christmas songs + favorite part of married life

 I was sitting listening to Pandora at work yesterday and on pops "Baby it's Cold Outside". I love that song!  It's one of my favorite Christmas tunes. (Is it really Christmas though? I guess it's a winter song.) It made me think about when Scott and I were dating. You know way back in 2007.  The worst part EVER was when we had to go our separate ways for the night. But in the winter time it was even worse! We'd be all snuggled up and warm watching a movie (we were TOTALLY watching the movie) and then it would be time to go home. I don't know how many failed attempts happened on average but eventually one of us would muster up the courage to face the cold night (and car) to head home. Once we got married and our first winter came upon us, I'm pretty sure Scott asked me what my favorite part of marriage was so far. My answer? My house being his house! He totally agreed and to this day it's still one of my favorite parts of being married to Scott. I get to stay snug as a bug in a rug with my hubby! No cold car involved.

Oh, and just in case you were dying to know my favorite Christmas songs, here they are:
  1. Baby It's Cold Outside
  2. All I want for Christmas is You
  3. Santa Baby
  4. White Christmas (Specifically by The Drifters)
  5. White Christmas (Bing Crosby)
  6. It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas
  7. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
  8. The Christmas Song
  9. Twelve Days of Christmas
  10. Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

What's your favorite Christmas song?