Sunday, November 13, 2011

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I'm rather excited about it. It's a lovely holiday. You get to see your family but not be broke from gifts. Also you get to stuff yourself as full as the turkey on the table. What? Just me. Er-uh, moving on. Recently, I realized from talking to my married friends I have yet to go through an important rite of passage. I have not cooked a Thanksgiving meal. Dun Dun Dun. Scott and I have been married for two years and I have yet to baste a turkey or bake a pumpkin pie. So I've been sitting around listening to those a for mentioned friends, who are nervously planning a every minute detail of their Thanksgiving meal, and I feel completely incompetent. Not incompetent enough to do any thing about it mind you. I will continue to bask in my lack of duties and be served delicious food by my mother. I wonder though, is that a bad thing? Possibly. I'll probably be 30, children running all over the place, and be 2000 miles away from my mom, begging her through tears to tell me how to fix the blasted turkey over the phone. Oh well. I'm ready to deal with the consequences later. For now I'll continue to gorge myself on the delicacies presented to me by the expert- AKA my mom.

Yup. Thanksgiving is awesome.

What's your favorite part of Thanksgiving?