Tuesday, September 25, 2012

we are not hikers

A couple of weeks ago, I decided Scott and I were boring. I felt like our date nights were comprised of: go out to eat, rent a movie, and be in bed by 11pm. I brought this up with Scott. He seemed satisfied with the arrangement. I obviously was not. He asked what else I had in mind. I said I don't know.... why don't we go hiking? His reply: "We are NOT hikers." Ok then. Moving on. haha! I left it at that.

Our next date night, Scott tells me we are going to hike the Cascades. Even though that wasn't necessarily his idea of fun, we were going because he knew I wanted to go. He is so thoughtful and selfless. Anyway, we hiked to the Cascades and it was beautiful. We kind of booked it because we got a late start and I was paranoid about being there after dark, so we didn't get to really enjoy the actual hike. Afterwards, we went to the Palisades in Eggleston, Va to eat. I also had been wanting to go there (Go Scott!). The food was amazing and if you are ever in this neck of the woods I would highly recommend it. We had homemade pomegranate ice cream for dessert, which was to die for! Sincewe ate the ice cream before the end of summer I got to check that off my summer fun list. I love to check things off lists!


Fast forward a couple of weeks. Scott and I hiked to McAfee's Knob in Catawba, Va. We had a great time but it kicked our out of shape butts! It was right under eight miles round trip but worth the view. As with our last hiking outing, we decided to follow our exertion with food. Duh. We planned on eating at the Homeplace in Catawba but it was packed and we didn't want to wait. Instead, we heading to Pine Tavern in Floyd, Va. It is similar to the Homeplace, it is a family style dining experience with southern food. Floyd and Catawba are not very close together though. I'm sure we would have gotten a seat sooner at the Homeplace but we were impatient. When we finally got to the Pine Tavern, we ate SO much food and it was amazing!

Two hikes just over two weeks. We are totally hikers.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


A couple of months ago I posted about our summer fun list.  First thing on our list was go to the beach. We definitely made that happen! We headed down to Folly Beach, SC and spent a week with my family. We had not been on a family vacation since I was around ten years old! We had a great time and spent a lot of time on the beach. We went into Charleston a few days and celebrated Independence Day. Sadly, we could not see the fireworks because we chose a bad spot on the beach. Someone gigantic house blocked the view! Oh well. Some highlights were:
-We flew kites. That was my dad's favorite part of the week.
-My mom and dad ate at Poogan's Porch where they ate on their honeymoon almost 28 years ago.
-I went out in the ocean. Like really out there. Which is huge, because usually I go to my knees at the most and I'm done!
-We ate watermelon... another check on our list.
-Katie tried her hand at sangria. It was delicious.
-Not sure if this is a highlight but we slept a lot!

To sum it up,  we made lots of memories and had a wonderful time together.

As for the rest of our summer fun list.We kind of sucked at it. But hey summer isn't officially over until September 22, 2012. We've got a few days to squeeze some summer fun in!