Thursday, May 31, 2012

our new addition

Scott and I would like to introduce to you the newest addition to the King household.... Mia Purkinje!

Isn't she precious? Looks can be deceiving, she is a  little spitfire! She loves to play but is a snuggler when she gets tired. We named her after Mia Hamm the soccer player. She loves to play with balls. She actually is pretty talented! Her middle name is Purkinje because Scott is in the middle of Cardio block and that is a nerve that is very fast and spastic, like Mia. ( I hope what I just said was correct... that was from memory.)

Above is an example of her mad kitty soccer skills! The process to get her was very long. My sister, Annalee, told us about her because one of her friends was fostering little Mia. They found her in a ditch all by herself. I talked to Scott about it and he was not interested. I couldn't really make up my mind either. I knew a cat wouldn't be as big of a responsibility as a dog, or dare I say a child, but it was responsibility none the less. We had lived a care free married life, not having to worry about being gone or just picking up and leaving for a few days. I got some guilt trips from Annalee (she would say they weren't guilt trips), saying the foster person would take her to the pound if no one got her a couple of weeks. I felt between a rock and a hard place. Scott didn't want it, I did but then I didn't, and if we didn't it would die! It was horrible. We started over though, and prayed about it. We decided a few days later to get her. I'm so glad we did!

How could you say no to that sweet little face? We have had her for over a week now. It took us this long to decide on a name! I don't even want to think about the naming process if we have a kid!!!

A little update on us. Scott is almost done with Block 4 of medical school, which means almost done with year one! His last day is June 20th. So close but yet so far! I'm starting to get busy at work with weddings. I definitely still have a lot to learn but I'm loving my job. That's about it for us right now. I'll leave you with the cutest picture ever...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

i love asparagus

Yes. You read the title correctly. I absolutely love asparagus (even though it makes my pee smell weird). I will buy a bunch of it at the store and if I didn't have to share with Scott, I would eat the whole thing in one sitting. Like, seriously.  Some of you out there might be questioning my amore to this particular vegetable but you haven't tried it the way my mom makes it.

Now, I don't know where she got this recipe so I can't give the original person credit, but my mom started making it a few years ago and I've been obsessed ever since.  I thought I would start occasionally sharing some of my favorite recipes (you'll get a peek at what our dinner table is like) and I knew I'd start with this.

What you'll need:

1 bunch of asparagus
olive oil
2-3 garlic cloves
half a lemon (or lemon juice)

First you start with a bunch of asparagus from the store. I get it fresh from the produce section. I try to get the bunch with the slimmer spears. The bigger they are the more tough. Make sure you wash them... duh.

Then you need to break or cut off the bottom of the spears. You can you usually tell the right place to snap because it will do just that, snap right off. If you are too high the asparagus will be flexible and won't break off easily. You do this because the bottom of the spears are generally tough.

After you finish getting rid of the bottoms, you spread them out in a baking dish. I use 9 x 13 pyrex. Once you have evenly spread them out, you take some olive oil, my guess is about 3 tbsp, and drizzle over asparagus. Coat well. ( side note: I don't usually measure the olive oil, I just kind of eye ball it) Now take your garlic cloves. I use about 3 depending on the bunch. You can use more or less depending on how you like garlic. Use a garlic press to crush garlic and spread on asparagus and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

Pop into 350 degree oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Once you take those yummy asparagus out take the half of your lemon (my mother says fresh is better but I don't always have those so I'll use lemon juice from the refrigerator) and squeeze onto asparagus. Coat well. Taste a spear. Add more salt, pepper, lemon to taste.

bon appetit