Monday, March 11, 2013

i'll cross that bridge

Let me tell you a story...

There once was a guy who really liked this girl. The girl didn't like the guy. Well, not like THAT. She thought he was a nice guy and liked being friends with him, but that was it. They would hang out from time to time, always with one of the girl's sisters in tow (much to the guy's chagrin). One of those times, they were all hanging out in her living room. During one of their conversations, they got onto the subject of weddings (much to the girl's chagrin). While they were talking they guy asked the girl, "What kind of wedding do you want?" The girl not wanting to give the guy any ideas, blurts out,  "I'LL cross that bridge when I get there!" Emphasis on the "I". The guy got the picture loud and clear. Not for the first time did he leave the house with his dreams crushed.

Would you like to know the end of the story? Well, the girl ate her words.

They crossed that bridge together.