it's Scott's fourth year of medical school.
I can't believe it! Anyway, I thought I would explain a little bit about what this year looks like for us. It's kind of complicated so bear with me. If I get something wrong you medical folks, forgive me.Let's start with the basics. Scott is an osteopathic medical student (want to learn more about what that is? Go here). The other philosophy of medicine is allopathic which is what an M.D. trains in. After medical school both D.O. and M.D. go to residency. The length of residency varies depending on the field of medicine the student chooses. Once all is said and done Scott will be a fully licensed physician (same as any M.D.) but he will have D.O. after his name.
At both osteopathic and allopathic medical schools, there are 4 years of school. The first two years are in the classroom. The second two years are clinical rotations. There are differences depending on the school with how the 3rd and 4th year are laid out. For Scott, his 3rd year of medical school had 9 months of 1 month rotations in mostly primary care medicine (Family, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine). All of these month long rotations were set up by the school and all students had to complete the same rotations.
White Coat Ceremony 2011
4th year is a little different. At Scott's school and in the D.O. world (I don't know much about the M.D. process) the student schedules two week or month long clinical rotations in the first half of the year in the field of medicine they want to practice. Most of the time they schedule rotations at the residency programs they are applying to. These are called "audition rotations". The student spends two weeks to a month with doctors and residents at one of the residencies the students is applying to. This gives the student and the doctors/residents a chance to see if the student will be a good fit at the residency program. Often the audition rotation determines if the student is invited for an interview during interview season. Students typically schedule their audition rotations between July-November. Interviews begin in November and run through January.
Audition rotations can take you all over the country. Scott has audition rotations scheduled in Michigan and West Virginia. Because of the speciality Scott wants to do, we are limited to certain areas of the country. It's not like that for everyone.
Once the student is finished with audition rotations and interviews. It's time to rank the residency programs for the Match. The Match is what determines where you go to residency. The student ranks each program in numerical order starting with their first choice. The residency programs do the same thing to their applicants. Both the student and residency submit their rankings and some magical algorithm in a computer matches a student and a program based on the rankings both submitted.
At this time, there are two matches. The AOA Match (D.O.) and the ACGME Match (M.D.). At this time a D.O. can participate in either match and can attend either a D.O. or M.D. residency. An M.D. can only apply to the ACGME Match because they have not been trained in osteopathic manipulation (Side note: in the next few years the Matches will be combined and there will only be one for both D.O. and M.D. students). The AOA Match is in February and the A.C.G.M.E. Match is in March. Scott is participating in the AOA Match this year so we will find out where we are going for residency in February 2015.
Mr. VCOM Pageant 2013
After the audition rotations, Scott will be back in the New River Valley completing the rest of his fourth year rotations in various fields of medicine. I can't remember all of them but I know Emergency Medicine is one of them.
Scott will finish rotations in April, graduates in May, and will most likely start residency in July.
Anyway, to sum all this up. Scott has been gone since the beginning of July and will be back at the end of November. We trade off who visits who and we Facetime A LOT. (What did we do before iPhones?). Because 4th year is so expensive with all the traveling, we downsized. I am living with my parents while Scott is gone and we have rented our townhouse to another VCOM couple. We will relocate in January to live with Scott's mom so Scott will be closer to the hospitals he will be working at in the New River Valley. We are so incredibly thankful for our families' willingness to let us mooch. Love y'all.So, yeah, we are basically nomads with two cats in tow.