I have officially checked off one thing from my
30 before 30 list! Of course, I haven't listed 30 things yet but that is besides the point! A couple of weeks ago Scott decided we were going on a date. At first, he said it would be a surprise. I don't like surprises. Well, that's not completely true. I like surprises when I don't know there is going to be a surprise. Like a birthday party or gift. I don't particularly like the type of surprise where you know you are going somewhere or doing something but the what is a surprise. It gives me anxiety and, more importantly, I don't know what to wear. Anyway, I digress. Scott told me our date destination when I reasoned with him (probably because he knew I wouldn't dress appropriately without knowing!) and off we went to Roanoke Civic Center to ice skate. Some might think my background with dance would help me on the ice. False. I was a hot mess. There were kids flying by me! BUT I never fell once (I can't say the same for the kids whizzing by me)! That was my only goal for the outing and I am quite pleased with myself for fulfilling it. Scott took some embarrassing footage of me attempting to skate, which unfortunately for you I will not be sharing. I know, I know, you really wanted a good laugh today. Sorry! To lessen the blow, I have included some pictures from our ice skating extravaganza. Check them out!!!

Scott insists he was looking at the camera. Uh, no!
Oh the eagerness of children...
Don't be fooled, I was faking it for the camera.
Ice skates are surprisingly uncomfortable but they make for cute photo ops.
In case you were wondering, Scott was a natural. Typical.