Wednesday, August 5, 2015

An Italian Holiday - Introduction

Waayyyyyyyyyyyy back in April of this year, Scott and I took a trip to Italy for 10 days. It was a celebratory and why the hell not sort of trip. It seems like ages ago. We left for Italy only a couple of days after Scott finished his fourth year rotations of medical school and since we got home, our life hasn't slowed down... until now.

We decided to go to Italy on March 1st and left on April 8th.  Let's just say I ate, drank, and slept trip planning. It was a whirlwind of preparation. Neither of us had traveled internationally (Canada and the Bahamas don't count) and therefore I had to do lots and lots of research. Research makes me feel better about life. What can I say, I'm a planner! Also, Rick Steves' books are awesome. I was basically in a relationship with him for the 5 weeks leading up to our trip.

Anyway, I'm going to break our trip up by day so that means a lot of posts but there will be pictures too!

Thankfully we had a travel journal with us and we wrote about the day's events before we went to bed each night. The details are still fresh four months later. I'll share our adventures over the next few weeks.

Here we go!

Italy here we come! 

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