Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The itsy bitsy spider....

 For everyone's information, I just hopped on the Harry Potter bandwagon. I know, I'm a little late. Anyway, I decided to have a Harry Potter marathon. The other night I was watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on my computer in the bed. Scott was writing a birthday card right next to me. He would tune in every now and then but was only half paying attention. Well, just in case anyone is as behind the times as me, in the movie there are several scenes with spiders. These spiders come along with spider-y music. Seriously, if spiders had a theme song then it's on this movie. Anyway, I'm sitting there and I'm totally into the movie. It starts to get intense because there is spider music playing so I know spiders are coming. Then you see them creeping all over the screen. Suddenly, Scott screams! Yes, screams.  He then proceeds to throw the card at me and run out of the room. I had just been in a scary place with all those spiders so I assumed he had been too. But he didn't stop yelling. I became concerned and thought it was serious. I go to check on him and he is running up and down our hall waving his arms frantically. I started to laugh. I told him it was just the movie. He could not form words. He just kept freaking out and slapping himself to, at the very least, paralyze the spider that may have potentially been hiding somewhere on his body. I laughed harder. He stops running and rips his shorts off then keeps on going. That's right my friends, he is now running around our house boo-tay naked. I was laughing uncontrollably. I mean who wouldn't? My huge hulk of a husband is in his birthday suit freaking out over spiders in a kids movie. I guess me laughing made him mad. He kept saying "I'm serious. I'm so serious." in the most serious voice you can imagine.  Now I could not form words but for a different reason. He slightly calmed down and said there had been a REAL spider crawling on the birthday card. (Which I would like to point out was thrown in my face. Chivalry is dead people. ) I still couldn't take him seriously though. I just kept laughing. He dragged me into our room, still naked by the way, and guess what? There really was a spider! Sadly, poor Mr. Spider came to a tragic end. I, on the other hand, got to laugh until I cried and found out about my husband's arachnophobia. Thank you Harry Potter!

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