Wednesday, June 6, 2012

just for kicks

Age: 24
Bedsize: Queen (someday we'll update to a king!)
Chores that you hate: FOLDING CLOTHES
Pets: One kitty cat -Mia
Essential start to your day: Going pee 
Favorite color: To wear I like black or neutrals because I'm boring. In and around my house I like green but not a dark green, I like happy greens! 
Gold or Silver:  I have to choose? if push came to shove, silver
Instruments you play:I took a year of piano. I don't think playing chopstick counts though
Job title: Assistant Event Coordinator
Kids: Not at present
Live: Blacksburg, Virginia
Mother's Name:Jane (Goes by Beth)
Nicknames:Sarey (by my mom) Sarah Sarah Sue (by my Grandfather)
Overnight hospital stays: none
Pet peeves: When people are driving and are getting into a turning lane but straddle the line the entire time. Drives me crazy 
Quote from a movie or tv show: "There is a patch of blue sky! Let us chase it!"
Right or Lefty:  Righty.
Siblings: Two younger sisters
Time you wake up: As late as possible. 8am ususally.
Underwear: What does this even mean? That I wear them in general or I prefer boxer or briefs? You'll just have to live without the answer!
Vegetable you hate: I don't hate vegetables, there are some I prefer not to eat but will if made for me. I'd say eggplant isn't at the top of my list.
What makes you run late: Sleeping in
X-Rays You've Had:One of my chest when I had pneumonia
Yummy food you make: My husband's favorite is my meatloaf.  
Zoo Animal: Tigers

Maybe you found something new out about me. If not, well, sorry I guess you  know too well!  Maybe I'll get Scott to do one but it will be more manly!

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