Monday, June 25, 2012

summer fun list

Happy Monday to all! I have to admit I'm a little tired today. Scott and I got in late last night from a trip to Georgia. Traveling just wears me out. I feel like I need a day to recoup! Anyway, while we were in the car Scott and I developed a summer fun list. It is a list of things we want to do while he is out of school. Some are pretty simple and others not so much. I'm putting this on here so hopefully we will have some sort of accountability. So here goes...

1.) Go to the beach
2.) Eat watermelon
3.) Make popsicles (We used to make them all the time when I was little)
4.) Go camping
5.) Actually use the pool in our neighborhood.
6.) Eat homemade ice cream
7.) Go to a baseball game (Preferably major league)
8.) Regularly go on evening strolls
9.) Make real lemonade
10.) Watch Zoolander (Scott's request)
11.) Grill out pizza (Another Scott request)
12.) Give our house a little TLC

That's all we have for now. We might add to it, we might not. I'm a little concerned about number four. We'll see how that goes. Do you have a summer fun list?

I will say adieu for now and leave you with the below picture....

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